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Submitted by Barbara Anderson

This is Maxie!I would like you to meet Maxie our nine month old German Shepherd.  This is the first German Shepherd I have owned.  Maxie as a puppy quickly stole the hearts of the whole family when he first arrived at our home last December.  He was one of those puppies you could not help but look at.  At three months old he was consistently playing fetch.  At five months old the little stinker had figured out how to unlatch the back yard gate.  I started him in obedience at six months old and thank goodness I did.  At nine months old  Maxie saved my life!  It was late one night and I went to take Maxie out for the last time. I started out the back door as I usually did.  Unfortunately I didn't see a copperhead snake outside the door until it was too late.  I gave Maxie the command to go out back, to send him out of harms way, but my smart little guy must have known I was in danger because he saw the snake move towards me and lunged quickly at the snake drawing its attention so I could get out of the way.  My hubby came out as quickly as possible when he heard me scream snake.  He killed the snake!  We brought Maxie in and checked him out to see if there was any bite marks.  We didn't see any sign.  He was acting as if nothing had happened.  Within fifteen minutes his nose started to swell.  We knew then we had to act fast.  We called our vet at 11:00 p.m. and she met as at the office which was 25 miles away.  By the time we got there his nose was quite swollen.  We put him on a table and I downed him.  He was the perfect puppy.  He didn't even flinch when they started the I.V..  After a few days with the vet he was fine.  Maxie has gained a permanent spot in our home.  You see, I'm asthmatic and have a heart condition so if I had got bit by that snake it could have been tragic.  Thank you Maxie!  He is my hero!

