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Photo Club Members(Continued...4...)

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EbonyEbony's Owner is: Clinton Tuggle

Ebony is not my first dog but she is the first German Shepherd that I have ever owned. She came home with me on March 12, 99 and has been a great joy. If she could have it her way she would be with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I don't know about other German Shepherds but Ebony definitely has an original personality. In spite of all her antics I wouldn't trade her for the world. She has been a real joy.

Gracie's Owner: JDEITSME@aol.com

This is my baby Gracie smiling for the camera. She's a primadona you know?

BubbaBubba's Owner: Kellie Mintern
Mintern's German Shepherds

Our special "Bubba." Bubba currently weighs about 115 lbs. and is still growing. Everyone who meets him can't believe how nice and sweet he is. I think he tries to make the most of everyday just the same as we do. He is huge and huggable. He enlightens us everyday! He is my Bubba.

You can read Bubba's story by clicking [HERE]
ShelbyShelby's Owner: Derek Fahey 
Here is a picture of my White German Shepard.  I knew that I wanted a female GSD, when I went to see the litter, there were only two whites.  I didn't pick her she picked me.  After 3 days of going to see the litter, Shelby was the only one who paid attention to me EVERYTIME.  She is a wonderful dog, she really loves her 4 yr old "older brother" Brody.  He is a male Shiba Inu, who just loves his little sister.  In this picture, Shelby is 18 weeks old and about 25lbs.  Brody is fully grown & @ 29lbs...
RockyRocky's Owner: KittyQ58@Aol.Com

This is a picture of Rocky. He came from a family of show dogs. He was disqualified at birth from ever being shown due to his long hair. I had him from a six month old puppy until his untimely/sudden death 10 months ago. I was always proud of him not only because he was a beautiful dog, but because he displayed much intelligence and was very protective of us (his family). We are not fortunate to have him around anymore, but he will always live on inside of us.


