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Brawnson's Owner is:
 Mike Diehl - Indianapolis, Indiana 
Marion County Sheriff's Department

"Stormfront's Brawnson",SchH3,DPO2,WPO,FH. Brawnson is a Dual Purpose Patrol/Narcotics K9 as well as a SWAT Team K9 on the Marion County Sheriff's Department in Indianapolis, Indiana where he's out catching the bad guys and keeping drugs off our streets!!
GizmoGizmo's Owner is: Kellie Mintern
Minter's German Shepherds, Ohio

Gizmo will be 3 years old this July. He is a wonderful companion and is everything the German Shepherd Breed should be. Here he is relaxing with one the his favorite things to do. Chewing on sticks!!

Blacky's Owner is:
 Munib - Karachi, Pakistan

Hi! This is Blacky. My GSD is a 18 month old, fully black, medium coated dog. He has been a part of our family ever since he was born and has proved himself to be an extraordinary Guard dog and loving Companion.
Yagr's Owner is:
Pat Schrecengost

This is Yagr vom Schrecenhaus.  He will be one year on the 25th of this month, April. He is an American bred German Shepherd.  Probably why he is so big!!  He has a great personality, loves to play ball

Seargent's Owner is: Tracy Bray - Waterford, Michigan

This is Seargent at 7 months old. He is now 3 years old. He is my best friend, and the most loving dog. He was a thrill to work with and train. (very smart). He is wonderful with our 3 children.

