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Buzz (03/14/00)

Buzz's Owner is: Darlene Kelly
This is Buzz or Baewoolf von Riesa, he is a hoot. Buzz has his CD and is working towards his CDX. He is a great buddy and good company.
Anna (03/14/00)
Anna's Owner is: Lianna's German shepherds

This is a photo of Anna, Covy-Tucker Hill's Lianna. She is an American & Canadian Champion. OFA'd Hips & Elbows and is Temperament Certified, Canine Good Citizen certified, and Herding Instinct Certified. She is almost 9 yrs old in this photo. She is my best friend and constant companion.
Macook (03/13/00)
Macook's Owner is: Teri and Dana Linton, New Hampshire

This is our 2 year old GSD, Macook. He is very expressive and energetic. He loves to play (and play, and play, and . . . !). He likes to sleep on his back - upside down. Often, he gets his tennis ball and tries to entice us into chasing him - he's a riot!
Shiloh (03/13/00)Shilo's Owner is: Brigitte Cruz
Shiloh is known to be the neighborhood 'cat burglar'; however, Dumber was his very own kitty!  For such a large, intimidating looking dog, he has a heart of gold when it comes to kittens. He's never hurt a cat/kitten, just loves them.  When he brings another cat home to his 'house' to be groomed, loved and slobbered all over, the cat's really love all the attention. Recently, after snitching a neighbor's litter of kittens and the mama cat, I decided to get Shiloh another kitten of his very own, (Dumber passed away several months ago). Now he has 'Shadow.' (but Shadow dosn't like him too much).
Jordan (03/15/00)Jordan's Owner is: Anita Guy
Marinita German Shepherds, UK

Jordan is 2 1/2 years old. He has Junior Warrant status since 14 months. He has won many Best of Breeds at open shows and many 1st at Championship shows in, puppy, junior, special yearling and graduate. He is a joy to live with and loves our children. He is still a baby and should have a very bright future, both in the show ring and as a stud dog, he has already sired some fantastic puppies.

